My Machines / Venues
My Machines and My Venues List Views
The My Machines and My Venues areas are to access or create machines or venues that you own (or co-own with others). Anyone can create a venue or a machine, each with their own permissions, leaderboards and vitals. The top level will present a master list of machines you own, or if you wish, you can start at the venue level with My Venues.
Access Machine Settings will be where you install, setup or configure any machine you own.
Edit Venue Details is where you specify the name, location and privacy of a specific venue you created.
View Machine Statistics allows machines set up with Pro licenses to view machine analytics, such as plays per day or earnings. More information about Pro licenses will be covered later in this documentation.
Access Venue Dashboard is where you can view your machines organized by venue. It is also where you assign other users to have access to your venues when they are configured to be private.
Machine Status Indicator will be a solid white circle for Standard licenses. When a machine/Scorbitron is licensed with Pro, it will glow green if the machine is active, red if the machine is inactive, and will be an empty circle if there is no Scorbitron installed or it is not connected to the Scorbit platform.
Create New Machine or Venue will create a new machine or venue owned by you. This is generally where you start when you first use the system, and how you add a machine and venue. All machines must have a venue, so if you create a machine first, it will always prompt you to assign (or create) a venue for it to live in.
As a general rule, you can always find what you need in the Venues Dashboard by selecting a venue in the Venue List. However, we found that many users prefer to have all the machines they own or operate quickly at a glance, so we provide both options to the user.
To learn how to create a machine and connect it to the platform, proceed to the next section, Creating a Machine.
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