The Big Picture


Scorbit's goal is to get more people playing pinball! In this document, we will cover how to use the Scorbit application and all its parts. Scorbit's features on the app, ScorbitVision or third-party integrations are designed to bring people together and share the joy of the game. This document is focused on the Scorbit app only, so for more information about ScorbitVision, please refer to the ScorbitVision guides. If you want information on installing a Scorbitron or connecting a pinball machine to the Scorbit platform, please refer to the Scorbitron section.

You can download the app here:

All app features are focused on three areas, or contexts. It really depends on why you're opening the app to decide which of the three. The bottom tab bar has these three contexts to choose from.

Play Tab: Playing Games

At the bottom center is the "S" Scorbit logo, what we call the Play tab. Everything related to actual real-time game play is in the Play tab. After a virtual version of a machine is added to the Scorbit application, scores can be submitted to that machine's leaderboard. If a machine is connected to the Scorbit platform, game data is updated in real-time. If a player slot is claimed during or after a game, other users of the app or viewers of the ScorbitVision web tools can view your games as they happen. Score submission can be automated, and participation in social or competitive features are enabled.

Machines can connect either directly (such as a Jersey Jack machine) or through the use of a Scorbitron, Scorbit's custom hardware. Scorbitrons can be used to connect machines from the 1970's until today, including much, if not all of the games you play.

Using the Scorbit app, you and other players near you can claim player slots, automatically placing your chosen display names next to those player numbers in the system for others to see. When your game is complete, adding your score to the leaderboard or sharing with your friends is as easy as pressing a button on the game session screen, or even easier if you have your settings to automatically save your scores.

For games not equipped with Scorbit’s hardware, when your game is finished, you can take a photo of your score and submit it to the same leaderboard and share your experience with others.

We will cover more of the Play tab later in this documentation.

Community Tab: Social Network and Users

On the far right is the Community tab, represented by a people icon. Scorbit not only creates a record for your own profile personal bests, but also allows you to take any game, at any time, and share it with people you choose on the platform. Using the community features of the app, you can curate a list of people you like to follow, either in advance or after a game. After you play, you can choose from that list with who you want to share with or challenge to play – or throw the score away, it’s up to you!

When the people you follow also save scores to leaderboards or challenge you, those scores appear in your self-curated community feed. You can also visit other player’s profiles and see what games they are playing, and how they are doing. We cover more about player profiles in the Account Menu > User Profile section of the documentation, and also later in the documentation covering the Community tab. The Community tab always defaults to other users you follow, allows you to browse other users, view user profiles and see other users’ scores and challenges.

Machine Tab: Browsing and Finding Games

There are thousands of titles and tens of thousands of pinball machines all over the world, and you can choose any one or find any one you like with the Machine tab. You can always view high score lists at any time, with no limit to the number of entries! If you're curious who has the high score for a particular title in the world, or just want to figure out what achievements to go for next, the Machine tab helps you choose a machine and gives you all the information. Finally, you can always tap a map pin anywhere next to a title to find a machine to play near you. We will cover more of the Machine tab later in this documentation.

Using the Scorbit Application

Scorbit's application is 100% free and allows you to take advantage of connecting your pinball machine to the cloud. With Scorbit, your games can be shared in real-time with anyone you like. You can share your scores with others, participate in various types of leaderboards and challenges, and many more features to come.

When logged in with a free Scorbit account, you can associate that account with any number of posted leaderboards, live scoreboards, and manage lists of the machines you own.

Safety Tip: Whenever using the app, SWIPING LEFT TO RIGHT from the left edge to the right edge will generally take you the the previous screen within the context of the bottom tab you have selected!

Now that you have a general idea of how the app all flows together, it's time to register your account and login to the platform! Proceed to the next section, Login and Registration.

Last updated