Machine History
Tapping the pinball machine icon on the profile tab bar selects Machine History. This is one of the more powerful features of the Scorbit app. The Machine History allows you to select a specific machine for any user on Scorbit, including yourself, and see all past scores and achievements earned for that machine.
When you first tap the icon, you are asked to search and select a machine title for which to focus the context:
A machine once selected defaults into the Achievements view for that machine title. Along with a search icon on the left to allow you to choose a different machine, there are some important controls available to pay attention to.
The Scores Toggle allows you to go back and forth between the achievements view and the scores view. The Achievement List Filter provides a way to change how achievements are displayed:
Selecting Highest Completed will display only the highest achievement level for that achievement group. Selecting All Completed will display all completed achievements, but obscure achievements not achieved. Finally, All Achievements is the master list of achievements for that machine, though some achievement titles may be obscured until you unlock them.
Selecting the Scores Toggle will allow you to switch back and forth between achievements and scores.
Any achievement selected will take you to the Achievement Details screen for that achievement, described later in this documentation. Any score selected will take you to the Score Details for that score, also described later in this documentation.
Please proceed to the final User Profile section, Player Statistics.
Last updated